Simply Teaching The Bible…Simply

Weekly Worship Services


From our family to yours, I would like to extend an invitation to welcome you to one of our Sunday worship services here at Calvary Chapel of Honolulu, located in our beautiful campus on Komo Mai Drive in Aiea.

As you explore our website, I believe you will find that CCH has something for everyone in your family: from our Children’s Ministry, to our “Rise” Youth Ministry, to our Men’s and Women’s groups, and our Home Fellowships spread out all over Oahu. Wherever you are in life, we have a place for you to connect with God and other people just like you. You are a vital part of God’s plan, and we would be blessed to have you join in fellowship with Calvary Chapel of Honolulu in our vision of knowing God and making Him known!
In Jesus’ precious Name,
Pastor Bill


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